The Judiciary Committee held a hearing this week on another bill worth watching. While not focusing exclusively on registered citizens, LB964 does use the fear of the “dangerous sex offender” as a selling point.
Mental health professionals would have the same authority as law enforcement to place people in emergency protective custody under a bill heard by the Judiciary Committee Feb. 14.
LB964, introduced by Omaha Sen. Mike McDonnell, a mental health professional could take a mentally ill and dangerous person or a dangerous sex offender into emergency protective custody until commitment proceedings could be initiated if he or she believes the person may cause harm. McDonnell said the bill would help avoid the criminalization of mental illness and allow for a smarter, more responsive solution to an already emotional situation.
Related links:
What is the Constitutional and Ethical issues involving Nebraska LB 964 [2/18/18]
My group sex therapist (probation) would love that. She threatens and punishes and can be very snide & smiling. No joke, she is a survivor of sex assault. There is no graduating from this class. No finishing it. Some men have been here 10years. I’m in my 3rd and this is extremely extremely depressing. I can see 5 years and done. In NY,
And so begins the era of the thought police. Notice the bill doesn’t define “mental health professional” so any clown with a seventh grade peer counselor card could likely qualify.
@ Salivating, if you’re in Nebraska or your state passes something similar, use the law to report your group sex therapist as a sadist.